Mark Stewart
Senior Consulting Actuary
Mark Stewart is a Senior Consulting Actuary located in Atlanta, GA. His primary focus is multiemployer retirement plans. Mark started working with multiemployer retirement plans in 1989 and has over 34 years of experience as a consulting actuary. Mark joined Horizon Actuarial Services upon its founding in early 2008.
Relevant Experience
Mark provides consulting services to numerous multiemployer clients with experience in the funding of defined benefit pension plans, actuarial projections and post retirement health and welfare plan valuations.
Off the Clock
In his spare time, Mark likes to travel, go hiking, and play golf.
Mark is an Associate of the Society of Actuaries, an Enrolled Actuary under ERISA and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries. Mark holds a BA degree in Economics from Georgia State University.

Office: 678.317.4104 | Mobile: 404.242.0873